GNNA learned so much during the pandemic year of 2020 and we are a stronger organization than we were before. We learned how to have virtual meetings and that we can thrive during this time. We missed our in person scholarship ceremony but found that by replacing cake with more information on our winners is inspiring for all of us. GNNA discovered that there are a lot of other great organizations out there that share our overall goals. We worked with United Latinos on air quality issues, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on getting grants to local businesses during the pandemic. The City of Sacramento and our City Council Member, Jeff Harris, worked with GNNA to get money to local businesses to keep them afloat during this terrible year.
As we go forward, we look forward to a mural on Northgate Blvd. We hope to continue community clean-ups under that leadership of long-time resident, Roberto Ramirez. The Natomas Garden and Arts Club is working on beautifying the neighborhood and GNNA is proud to partner with them. There is so much going on in Gardenland and Northgate and GNNA is proud to be part of all the excitement. 2021 should be a good year.