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About Us

The Gardenland Northgate Neighborhood is located in the South Natomas area of Sacramento, CA.  GNNA is a 501(c)3 non-profit that is an advocate for our neighborhood.  GNNA supports our community by giving scholarships to local students, supporting local sports teams and commmunity organizations.  We encourage residents to learn about what is going on in our area through monthly meetings.  We have an annual holiday dinner for neighbors to spend time together and enjoy food that comes from local businesses.










We meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Stanford Settlement Neighborhood Center. You can attend our meetings in person or virtually. 


2024/2025 GNNA Board

Our board is comprised of dedicated volunteers from our community. We are currently seeking somebody to serve as our Development Officer. 

Become A Member

Become a member to help make change in our neighborhood. Membership fees are $10.00 a year per person or $20 for a family.  Dues go towards GNNA expenses such as printing, mailings, and fees.

Members who have attended a minmum of 2 meeting a quarter in the last year and have paid their dues can vote for Board members and decisions that allow GNNA to Nurture Community Roots.  




Return your application to the address below with a check payable to GNNA:


450 West El Camino Avenue

Sacramento, CA 95833


Or use one of these electronic payment options to submit your membership dues:

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