Our Partners
There are a number of organizations that we work closely with to make change possible in our neighborhood.
Stanford Settlement Neighborhood Center is a not-for-profit social service organization serving the Gardenland, Northgate, and adjacent neighborhoods where opportunities are limited. The mission of the agency is to help build healthy communities through individual, family and neighborhood services. Stanford Settlement is one of GNNA’s most important partners. GNNA uses the activity center for meetings and events, has a dedicated space for our supplies, and ready access to a staff of professionals who are in-tune with needs of the Gardenland and Northgate communities. To help Stanford Settlement with their mission, GNNA helps with fundraising, volunteers at events including Operation Cratchit, and publicizes Stanford Settlement events. GNNA and Stanford Settlement work to support each other.
The purpose of the NGAC to coordinate and support the efforts and resources of the Community to create gardens and artworks that will inspire, educate and nourish. GNNA works closely with NGAC on planting and maintaining the grasslands garden and pollinator garden along Ninos Parkway. NGAC sponsors a Chalk in Up Natomas event each year and GNNA supports this with a table and buying a chalk square. We publicize and support events done by each organization. Some GNNA Board members also are members of the NGAC Board to support our common goal of an inspiring and nurturing community.
City of Sacramento
GNNA is only one of the many neighborhood associations that the City of Sacramento supports. This support is in the form of having City Staff come to our meetings to discuss items of local interest such as transporation, crime, parks, etc. The City of Sacramento also helps with events at public spaces such as concerts and movies. GNNA has been working with City staff of the Northgate Mobility Plan, stoplights, and food truck plaza. A good working relation with the City of Sacramento has been an invaluable asset.